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Dr. Jamie Fettig

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Post Partum Depression - What you can do about it

“The truth is that too few people take responsibility for their actions. But when it comes to real cases of postpartum depression, you are talking about another situation altogether. This condition is real, it is devastating, and it will bend the mind, turning a rational woman into a raving lunatic – in some cases with no control over her actions.” – Health Alert, Vol. 18, No. 10.

There is both a preventative measure and a curative matter. The preventative method many people do not like, but is about 100% effective when done. To prevent Post Partum Depression (PPD) you need the hormones that are in the placenta in your system.

How do you get the hormones in your system from the placenta? Eat it. But you don’t have to eat it raw like all other animals in the animal kingdom do. You can cook it into a hot dish, or dry it and put it into capsules. There are recipes on the web for cooking the placenta, and there are food dehydrators every where to dehydrate it, and kits on the web to crush it and put it into capsules to take.

If you don’t like either of these options, you can use supplements that will help balance the hormones in your system the placenta would naturally do.

Hormone imbalances are usually facilitated by nutritional deficiencies and imbalances in B vitamins in the body.

Medicine’s only response to PPD is drugs and counseling (which often doesn’t work because the problem is not in their heads). But when should mothers be put on dangerous drugs? What is the criteria to determine if they really need it?

Effective, Safe, and Inexpensive are words that do NOT describe medical treatment of PPD, so the questions of when, is it safe, does it work, are very relative. But with phytonutrient therapy (taking supplements) anyone can take the supplements and only be healthier for it, even if they do not ‘technically’ have PPD.

And if women do not respond to this, along with exercise and enough water, then maybe the medical route is the way to go.

What gets the job done nutritionally for women with PPD? Supplementing with the three nutritional components that are dramatically depleted during pregnancy:

  • B Vitamins – we recommend 6-12 tablets of Cataplex B Daily
  • Omega 3 Fats – We recommend a table spoon of cod liver oil daily (Best) or innate Choice Fish Oil (much better tasting)
  • Minerals – We recommend 6-15 tablets of Min-Tran Daily

Supplementing with these nutrients alone will begin to pull most women out of postpartum depression in a matter of days or weeks.

A woman’s overall nutrition must be rebuilt after pregnancy and during lactation and that requires a diet rich in whole foods. In addition, we add 6-12 tablets of Catalyn daily to the diet.


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