How do you cure snoring (in women)?
I wrote this article last week on playing the didgeridoo to help cure snoring problems. The idea of why it works is that the muscles that cause snoring in the back of the throat are weak. So playing the didgeridoo helps strengthen them and prevents the snoring.
And someone from australia actually wrote me and said:
FYI, women are not permitted to play the didgeridoo, so this option is not available to them, not that any women I know would admit to snoring of course!
Why? Didgeridoos were and are played in sacred traditional dances called corroborrees and usually not witnessed by anyone but the men. Boomerangs also are not to be touched by women. Aboriginal women have secret women's business which is sacred (see the Hindmarsh Island bridge affair) They are an ancient and superstitious people and to use the didgeridoo in the incorrect manner is very bad for your karma, i.e., high chance of a curse!
And another person also wrote in with the cure for women (if you believe in tradition and do not want to play the didgeridoo)
Just wanted to add something to your excellent suggestion about taking up the didgeridoo for snoring - a resource that saved my marriage! It's the Singing for Snorers CD program - three CDs developed by a vocal coach that exercise the palate, the tongue, the pharynx, the larynx, etc. - all the parts of the structure involved with snoring. It stopped my husband's sleep apnea within a month, and he almost never snores any more. Simple and elegant. I highly recommend it - and I'm not an affiliate!
Kind regards,
Jennifer Clare
So there you have it. How to cure snoring for a man or a woman. |