Ovu-Tech Fertility Detector
(Saliva Method)
For years we have been trying to locate a fertility
awareness product that was briefly available and then
disappeared from the market.

Now it's back and we'd like to offer it to our readers
because we believe it is one of the simplest, and most
effective and reasonably priced products a woman can
use to enhance her awareness of her cycles. The Ovu-Tech
can be useful if:
You're trying to become pregnant.
You're trying to avoid pregnancy.
You want to determine whether you're ovulating.
You want to enhance your awareness of your menstrual
During a woman's menstrual cycle, there are only about
three days when her egg is available for fertilization.
Sperm can survive up to 72 hours (3 days) in the vagina
and uterus, so if sexual intercourse occurs up to three
days before a woman is fertile, she can still potentially
become pregnant. Thus, there are about six days per
month (3 days prior to fertility, and 3 days of fertility)
that a woman can conceive.
When tracking the days of the menstrual cycle, the
first day of menstruation, or bleeding, is called day
1 of that cycle. The cycle ends when the next period
begins, anywhere between day 17 and 35 (with most women
it's around day 28). The egg may become available for
fertilization by sperm at anywhere from day 3 to day
14 of the cycle. Thus, if a woman can identify those
few days when she is fertile, she can prevent or enhance
It is scientifically well-established that hormones
filter into saliva and that during fertility a ferning
pattern can be seen in saliva under a microscope. Just
prior to or during fertile days the sample will typically
resemble "ferns," while during non-fertile
days, only random and shapeless dots will be visible.
The Ovu-Tech is a hand-held mini-microscope about the
size and shape of a lipstick holder. If you want to
check whether you may be fertile you simply:
Make sure you haven't had anything to eat or drink
for 20 minutes.
Put a small amount of saliva on the lens and allow it
to dry.
Insert the lens into the microscope and push a little
button to illuminate the lens.
If you are just about to become fertile or if you are
fertile, you will easily see a beautiful crystalline
ferning pattern under the microscope. This is an easy
and convenient way for you to monitor your hormonal
changes and enhance your awareness of your menstrual
cycle. If you track your cycles and fertility on a calendar,
soon you will have a keen awareness of where you are
in your monthly cycle, and what is happening hormonally
in your body.
Cycle awareness can be especially helpful for women
who tend to have anovulatory cycles (no ovulation occurs
and thus there is infertility, and no progesterone is
made). If you know that you haven't ovulated in any
given cycle, and thus your ovary won't be producing
progesterone, you can then supplement with progesterone
that month and avoid estrogen dominance symptoms such
as PMS.
The ovulation kits that measure hormones in urine to
determine fertility tend to be expensive, messy, and
can only be used once. In contrast, at the cost of not
much more than one ovulation kit, the Ovu-Tech can be
used over and over, and has a lifetime manufacturer's
Whether you are trying to conceive, avoid conception,
or just determine each month when or whether you are
ovulating, the Ovu-Tech is an important and useful tool
for fertility awareness.