every person should know about FIRST,
Before attempting to heal anything naturally
without drugs
Healing symptoms and disease without drugs
or reducing the amount of drugs they take is
what a lot of people are looking for.
Preventing Future illness is also a concern
for a lot of people.
So How exactly do you do this?
First, if you have not read my book, The
Creator’s Manual for Your Body , you
should sign up for my Free e-course –
Basics of Health and Wellness.
Free Yourself from the Bondage of
Symptoms and Disease for Life
Guaranteed NO Spam Ever when signing up or if you unsubscribe!
Plus Receive:
- Natural Cures and Prevention for Common Health Problems
- 3 Free Reports:
-What Everyone Needs to Know about Healing and Preventing "Cancer"
-The Truth about Cholesterol and How to Lower and Keep Your LDL Low
-Heart Disease -The Natural Solution for Healing and Prevention
- The Forgotten Foundational Fundamentals of Health and Wellness
Type in your first name and email address, and you'll get Instant Access to all this plus you will become a member of Dr. Jamie’s Inner Circle

In a Nutshell, You cannot “treat” symptoms and disease naturally, successfully.
You must increase your wellness as the only
proven natural cure.
The problem with the healthcare system is the
treating of symptoms and disease.
Everyone is arguing about drugs, herbs, nutrition,
chiropractic, acupuncture, etc. What form of
treating symptoms and disease is best.
Well, none of them actually. In fact, there
is no one best way of treating anything.
Because for any given disease or symptom, there
is not just 1 cause for that symptom and disease
that is the same for all people.
Everyone is Different
You must figure out what the Causes are for
each individual person.
(and this is key, causes plural)
There is almost always more than 1 thing contributing
to any given symptoms or disease.
Find the major causes, eliminate those major
causes, and the person will heal.
That is why natural cures, drugs, chiropractic,
acupuncture all work, but do not work for all
Because if one of your major causes is your
nerve supply not working, chiropractic will
probably help you.
If one of your major causes is a chemical imbalance,
drugs might help.
If one of your major causes is the lack some
nutrients or minerals, then nutrition or supplements
will help you.
So Knowing the basics that are in the free
E-Course above, you will be well equipped to
begin treating disease and symptoms naturally.
If something doesn’t work that is on
my site, it is not the technique, but the technique
that doesn’t work for you. Go back to
find the contributing causes of your problem
and eliminate them.