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Be Well
Dr. Jamie Fettig

Why Trust me, Dr. Jamie?

Heart Disease / Choslesterol

Preventing and Helping Heal Heart Disease

Prevent Heart Disease, Almost Guaranteed
1. Get enough Essential Omega 3 fatty acids
2. Quit eating refined carbohydrates

Those two things, that is it, simple. They are a huge step in preventing heart
disease, and of helping your body heal if you already have heart disease.

There are many things that can contribute to the symptoms of heart disease.
Omega 3 fatty acids and eliminating refined carbohydrates are 2 extremely large
contributing factors, that when you deal with them, often are enough to allow your
body to heal.

It is like this. If you want to build a brick house, you need bricks. Everything else
are the details. Well, if you want to build a healthy heart, Omega 3 fatty acids are
like the bricks. Everything else are the details.

This is what Omega 3 fatty acids have been shown to do:

  • protect against coronary heart disease.
  • decreased risk of sudden death
  • Normalize heart rhythms
  • Reduce blood clots (aspirin type affect)
  • Reduce hardening of the arteries
  • Anti-inflammatory (aspiring type affect)
  • Improves blood vessel lining function
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Lowers triglyceride levels
Eating refined carbohydrates do exactly the opposite of what is above. It actually
speeds up and promotes heart disease and all the risk factors associated with
heart disease.

So where can you get omega 3 fatty acids, and what are refined carbohydrates to
avoid? Those can both be accomplished in 3 easy words. Eat Whole Foods. Eat
whole foods that are fresh and pure, as they are naturally found in nature. It is
that simple. You will get your Omega 3's and be avoiding refined carbohydrates
at the same time.

Because people want more, here it is.
One of the best sources of Omega 3 fatty acids is beef from cattle that was fed
only grass. Grass fed beef, as it is called, actually has a higher omega 3 fatty acid
count than most fish. The problem is, most beef is raised on grains and corn
because it puts weight on the cattle quicker, which means more money for the farmer. But the grains and corn decrease the Omega 3's or essential fatty acids
(EFA's) in the meat and the meat is less healthy. You can order grass fed beef on
the internet. has a link to the site to order it.

You can also take supplements. Believe it or not Costco actually has a good
source of Fish Oil that has Omega 3's in it. The one draw back with fish oil
capsules is the burping aftertaste isn't so great. : ) tastes like fish.

So what are refined carbohydrates to be avoided? This one is sometimes a little
tougher for people. Most breads, cereal, flour and pasta. You can get whole grain
breads, cereal and pasta's but not in the traditional sections of most grocery
stores. You have to specifically look for the label saying "whole grain" or 100%
whole grains. Because wheat, or cracked wheat, or anything of the like is NOT
whole grain. Most pasta, cereal and breads are wheat. And the manufactures got
smart and realized if they put "wheat" on the label, many people would think it
was better for you. Nope. Just a great marketing tactic.

There is a difference in taste between the whole grain and refined, no doubt
about it. And if you taste the whole grain for what it is, instead of comparing it to
what you are used to, it always tastes good. It just doesn't taste like the old stuff.
If it doesn't, try another kind of whole grain product. There are many available.

Most sugar is also refined carbohydrates. Anything that ends in "ose." Sucrose,
fructose, glucose, lactose, maltose, dextrose, corn syrup, high fructose corn
syrup and sugar all count as sugar. An easy way to remember this is anything that
rhymes with "gross." I am not talking about sugar naturally found in fruits and
other such sources. If nature put it there, it is usually fine. And again, how it
affects you will depend more on you individually than the type of fruit itself. Yes,
sugar is natural, but it is not fresh. And when you add it to another food, the other
food is not pure either.

Mother nature is like a good mother. She will take care of you, if you let her.
Everything you need to prevent heart disease is found in nature. But the trick is,
it has to be like it is naturally found in nature. When we start changing, and
refining, and processing stuff, so it is not like it is in nature, it often hurts us, not
helps us.

The way nature works is almost so perfect it is funny. If there is something in the
food that we need, then the same food has everything that is needed to absorb it.
The co-enzymes and minerals and vitamins that are needed to put calcium in the
bone, are always found in the foods that contain calcium. If the food is whole, as
found in nature.

The opposite is also true, If something naturally in the food is not good for us, the
food contains something that limits the effect of it in our body. Like eggs, they have lots of cholesterol, and they also contain a chemical called lecithin that actually helps dissolve the cholesterol in the egg. Which means, less cholesterol for you.

Nature really is perfect like this, if we would just get out of her way.

So when you eat whole and fresh food, you will naturally be getting everything
you need for a healthy heart. It really is that simple.

Now, some people might need a little more than just good food, because there
are many contributing factors that can lead to heart disease. But many, if not
most people will totally prevent heart disease just with this.

Something else that can easily be added to the pot of health increasing measures
is drinking water.

First, how much water is ideal to drink? According to the US Government,
everyone is the same and we all need 6-8 glasses a day. Well, guess what?
Everyone is different. We all need different amounts. As a general guideline, we
should drink one quart (32 ounces, four cups, or .9 liters) of water for every 50
pounds of bodyweight. A 150-lb person needs three quarts of water a day.

Many people cannot imagine how they can drink that much water, because most
people do not think of this option: Quit drinking the other fluids you are drinking. I
promise you, if you drink only water, you will easily, probably without any effort,
drink that amount of water. If you want to keep drinking all the other fluids you
normally drink, yes, it will require more effort and you will have to go to the
bathroom more. But if you give up the other fluids, it will save you money,
because water is much cheaper than any other drink.

This is for when you first begin drinking water. You need more to catch up, to
bring your body back to a place where it does not need as much water. When you
actually become hydrated and less toxic, you need less and less water to do
everything that needs to be done in your body.

The quality of the water you drink is just as important as quantity. So what counts
as water? Water. That is it. The only thing that counts as water to your body is
water. If you put lemon, or lime, or tea, or minerals, or electrolytes, or sugar, or
colorings and flavorings, or anything else in the water, it does not count as water.
Your body does not utilize it the same as it would pure water. So drink only water
and you will be well on your way.

Avoid refined grains, eat whole fresh food, get plenty of Omega 3 essential fatty
acids and you will be well on your way to a healthy heart.


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