Not All Supplements are Created Equal.
There are more supplements out there than I would care
to count and keep track of. So what is the biggest difference
between all the different supplements? In my world you
can divide all supplements into two categories:
1. Whole Food Supplements
2. Chemically Manufactured Supplements
If you follow along with the supplement news you will
know that they are always discovering a new vitamin,
a new cofactor, a new mineral, a new this or that. Now
let me ask you a question, is it really "new"
or did man just discover it. Of course, man has just
discovered the importance of it.
Nature is great. She provides everything we need in
nature. Or said another way, these new vitamins, minerals,
cofactors and other newly discovered essential minerals
are already found in nature in whole foods. Even if
we don't know about them yet nature has always had them
in our food. So when whole food supplements are made
they already have and have always had all these newly
discovered ingredients. Now let me ask you a question.
If we as humans just discovered something, do you think
the chemically manufactured supplements have this newly
discovered thing in it? NOPE! The only place to get
all the cofactors, minerals and essential nutrients
before we know about them is whole food supplements.
A perfect example is Vitamin C. Everyone says vitamin
c is the same thing as ascorbic acid. That is like saying
an egg shell is the same things as an entire egg. They
are completely different. Ascorbic acid is only the
"shell" around what is the rest of Vitamin
C. But when most people manufacture Vitamin C, they
just manufacture the shell or what is ascorbic acid.
Whole foods have then entire "inside" of every
nutrient the whole foods supplements are supplying.
You can get good vitamin and mineral sources, or you
can get cheap, not so good, imitation vitamins with
parts missing. Which one do you think will be better
for you? Of course, the ones that are whole, complete,
and have everything your body needs to build itself
healthy and strong again.
This means if you are going to take supplements, make
sure you get them from a good source. If the supplements
are really cheap, well, you usually get what you pay
for. One of the best sources I have ever found is a
company called Standard
The only problem with them is you cannot buy them yourself.
You have to go through some doctor or other health care
professional. I get nothing to recommend these supplements
to you, that is how much I like them.
There are other good lines of supplements as well.
LifePak by Pharmanex is also a great option. You
can find out how to get these and other supplements
at my website