Forgiveness – literally broken up means "For Giving"
Forgiveness is for you. You are NOT forgiving someone for them, you are doing them for yourself.
One of the most common reasons people do not want to forgive is because they think forgive is the same thing as condoning. It isn't.
Here is the really funny part about forgiveness. When you are holding a grudge you are not letting that person go. You are still holding on to them or at least that part of them.
Now let me ask you a question. Does it take more energy to constantly hold on to something, or to let it go?
If you are holding on, not "for giving" someone, it robs you of energy that you could use for yourself and 1 million other things.
When you forgive someone you stop holding onto them or the part of them. When you release them, you suddenly have more energy for yourself.
The even more funny and ironic part is that when you are holding a grudge and not forgiving someone, they go on living their life as normal with no effect, and usually don't even know you are wasting your energy on them. When you are not forgiving someone your attempt to punish them by not forgiving them only ends up punishing yourself.
So when you forgive someone you are taking your energy back. You are "for giving" more of your energy that you now have an abundance of.
When you forgive someone you give up the right to use anything against them ever in the future. You can no longer hold anything they did or didn't do against them in person or with others. You can no longer talk bad about them to your friends. You completely forgive them and yourself.
You are for giving again. And now you have more energy to be giving.