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Dr. Jamie Fettig

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Releasing the Power of Your Inner Knowing

Your Non-Conscious Mind is 98% of your full power. Your Inner Knowing is at least 986,743 times more powerful than your non-conscious mind. The reason being is because this inner knowing has direct access to harness the infinite powers of the universe to produce results.

Some people call this your higher self, your God presence within, your inner CEO, your innate wisdom and a host of other things. The main idea here is there is a power in the universe that created you and everything else. And when you get this power on your side in creating what you want, it becomes easy and almost effortless. The inner knowing is your connection to this power and is like the non-conscious mind in how it just takes orders and does as it is told. Your inner knowing takes all your orders, just like the non-conscious mind, unless you tell it otherwise.

What this means is every time you have a thought, see a picture, say something to yourself, etc, etc, your inner knowing is listening and following directions. Now stop and think for a moment, how many times a day do you have a thought, say something to yourself or out loud or picture something you don't want? You inner knowing is overwhelmed by all the contradicting messages it is getting. That is why it is so difficult for it to produce results for you.

When you are only having thoughts for the same goal or purpose your inner knowing very clearly knows what to act on and in what direction. This is why when you work at it, train your mind, focus and be conscious you start producing results. Your inner knowing after hours and days of getting told the same thing, with other stuff mixed in, finally gets it. Your inner knowing goes, oh, I guess this is what you really want. Then begins harnessing the powers of the universe to help you fulfill that request.

Now I am about to share with you an amazing tip that will exponentially speed up the results of everything I have shared with you in the previous lessons. You ready? You can tell your inner knowing what to listen to and what not to listen to. For example: I told my inner knowing that when ever I pause and say "I AM" or "Inner Knowing" - whatever is immediately followed by those words are what I want you to pay attention to until I say "Thank you". All my other thoughts, ideas, pictures, words, etc you can ignore. In this way I do not have to spend months and years training my thoughts to only be solely focused on what I want before I start seeing results.

Action Step: Create your signal to Your Inner knowing (which can be the same as mine) and tell your inner knowing you only want that which immediately follows that signal to be acted upon. Then use this signal to let your inner knowing know what you want help with. When You do this, you will skyrocket your results in any area of your life you ask your inner knowing for help with.

For some this signal is the same thing as praying. If you do it in a 'structured way' it is creating a signal to your inner knowing (holy spirit) unleashing the unlimited powers of God (the universe) to help give you exactly that. When you start by saying "God" and end with "Amen" it is 'code' to your inner self of what to pay attention to. And when you are conscious of doing this and tell your inner self (God) this is your signal it will produce even greater results.

There is one catch with all this though. You inner knowing processes your requests through the "filter" of your purpose. Whatever you and your inner knowing have created your life purpose to be (irregardless of whether you did it consciously or not). If your requests are inline with fulfilling your life purpose, you are golden and will achieve results with minimal effort. If your requests are not inline with your life purpose, all the struggle, effort and work you can imagine will not produce lasting results.

You and your inner knowing create your purpose. And for most people, they did it unconsciously. Which means that if you want something different, you can now create a new purpose consciously. Your inner knowing has absolute "Veto" power over your new purpose. Which means if you create one your inner knowing doesn't like, it won't accept it.

Communication with your Inner knowing is a two way street. When you put in a request for a new purpose, if you pay attention you will get a signal, sign, awareness or some form of knowing if the new purpose was approved or not. You can even ask for a sign so big, you will know beyond any shadow of a doubt if the new purpose was granted approval. If not, you can ask if the idea needs to be changed, parts of it need to be changed, if there is something you need to learn or know for it to be accepted, if it is a conditional acceptance or if you have to scrap the purpose all together and go in a completely different direction.

Little hint, making money will almost never be part of your purpose. But guess what, if you are making money in a way that is fulfilling on your purpose, you can make as much money as you want.


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