So for a while there, I stopped reading from A Course in Miracles daily. Like I have done for almost 3 years now.
Then about a week ago, I started again.
WOW. What a difference.
I heard that the first thing you do in the morning sets your tone for the whole day.
For example. If you are trying to lose weight, and you start your day with a crappy breakfast, you will more than likely say something like:
Well, breakfast was crap, so why not lunch, why not dinner, why not desert.
But if you start your day with a good breakfast. You will often say things like, well, breakfast was good, so lunch, dinner will be as well, and nope, I don’t need desert.
So I started off my day reading for 30 minutes. I love to read. And I have not been doing much of it until lately. And I like non-fiction only. The last time I read a fiction book was in undergrad for college course. (I think)
Until Next time |