My life in the last week has been so fun. : )
I was on vacation in Chicago (where I used to live for 5 years) seeing people I have not seen in a while. Eating at restaurants that serve healthy food. There are no health food restaurants in North Dakota were I lived for a year.
And this weekend (the past weekend as you are reading it) I am moving to Minneapolis MN for 2 months. Then off to the Caribbean for the winter months.
I have been applying and doing a lot of what I learned at the money seminar two weekends ago. It is so freeing in the different perspective of which I am choosing to make money from now.
Imagine no guilt, no worry or concern around money. No matter how little or how much you have. Imagine no need for money (if you can). And choosing to make money purely out of the choice to do so.
One of the big things I got out of the seminar is not focusing on Net Income, but focusing on creating passive income with my net income. Not waiting till I "make it" to begin managing my money, but begin doing it now, no matter how much or how little money you have. Begin creating passive income now.
I have also been at my sister and brother-in-law's for the last couple days. She keeps 4 of my nephews here (my only 4 actually). I love being here and hanging out with them. They are 1, 3, 5 and 8. They are all boys. I mean how could you not like someone who thinks you are one of the greatest people on the planet???
LOL (for those of you who don't know LOL= Laugh Out Loud)
And then when they need a diaper, food, anything I don't want to do, I just give them back to their parents. The best of both worlds and I don't even have to have any of my own : )