I went mountain biking – true mountain biking – where you ride your bike up into and down into and up into and down into and up into the mountains, all on one trip.
I have not done that in probably 8 years. It was a lot of fun.
And my 10 year old mountain bike did just fine.
It was interesting, most of the time I was not thinking. Some of the time I was just focused on the path ahead of me and where I was going. In the moment.
Some of the time I was thinking about the line from the matrix when neo was in the sparring program with morpheus.
And morpheus says.
You think that is air you are breathing.
You think your muscles have anything to do with how fast or how strong you are in this place.
Because as I was breathing in and out, I realized, is that really air I am breathing? Am I really tired?
I remember a while back when I had the insight that most of the time, we are not really cold. We just feel cold.
Well, today I was reminded, that we are not really tired. We just breathe heavier. It is the story we make up about how tired we are that makes us tired or not.
That is why a dog can run and run, and be panting, and tired, and run, and it is just panting and breathing heavy. It is the story that we as humans make up of how tired we are that actually causes us to be tired.
And that is the same for anything.
Anything we say we “are” is just the story that makes us that.
Like if we are hungry, or if we are thirsty, or if we are horny, or if we are _____________.
We have feelings and experiences, and it is the story we tell ourselves about that feeling or experience that makes us that.
Until Next time |