Last week I reviewed my favorite movies and why.
So this week I am going to list some of my favorite books and why I like them.
My favorite book of all time (up to this point) –
A Course in Miracles
I recommend to most people to do the daily lessons. Then as you have time or want to, read the text. The text can be very heavy. The lessons are relatively easy to do and understand on a day to day basis.
My second favorite book(s)
The I am discourses by St. Germain.
There is a whole series and volume of them.
And the first 3 are the meat and potatoes that all the others go into explaining and talking about in detail.
The Creators Manual for Your Body – by me – Dr. Jamie Fettig
This book really is one of the most comprehensive and easy to understand books to move you towards your total well being.
Illusions – by Richard Bach
This book is coined “fiction” but I like it because it really isn’t fiction in my view. It is what is possible.
Jonathan Livingston Seagull – by Richard Bach
Again, so called fiction, but is really more like reality and the full potential of being human.
Sugar Blues – by William Duffy – This was the book that really changed my views of eating. I read the book in the summer of 1996 and I have not had refined carbohydrates (sugar) since then.
Your Body's Many Cries for Water
Dr. F. Batmanghelidj, Global Health Solutions Inc. ISBN: 0-9629942-3-5
This book really shows how if all Americans drank enough purified water, 50% of all health problems would probably go away.
The Power of Now
Eckhart Tolle, New World Library, ISBN: 1-57731-152-3
Holographic Universe
Michael Talbot, Harper Perennial, ISBN: 0-06-092258-3
AIDS – by Peter Duesberg, Ph. D.
Shows a way out for people with AIDS who wants one. Because HIV doesn’t actually cause AIDS but your lifestyle choices anyone can change.
Vaccine - by Neil Z. Miller
Shows how vaccines are not actually effective in preventing disease and actually cause more problems than good.
Metabolic Typing Diet – by William Wolcott
Not everyone should be eating the same foods. This book (although long and wordy) will help you figure out what is best for you.
Stalking the Wild Pendulum – by Itzhak Bentov
This book is just a really cool book written in the 1970’s that is still a little ahead of it’s time. It is about the current understanding of quantum physics and how the universe works. Not for everyone, but cool for the scientific minds.
The Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior
The Way of the peaceful Warrior
Both By Dan Millman
These books again are fiction, but I look at them more as non-fiction. The stories and lessons presented in these books are great for growth and learning.
The Way of the superior man (for men only)
David O’Deida
Ok, not for men only, but written for men to understand what women truly want, so you can give a woman exactly what she wants.
Power Vs. Force
David R. Hawkins, MD, Ph. D.
This book really has one main point that I like it for. Describing the line and the difference between what is above the line and what is below the line. And doing the things that are above the line.
Awakening to Zero point
Walking between the worlds
Both by Gregg Braden
It has been a while since I have read these, but I know I loved them. Very scientific meta-physical type information. So make sure you like that sort of stuff.
The Tao of pooh
Benjamin Hoff
This is a great book for almost anyone. It shows how to go through life with the least amount of resistance, making it as easy as possible to flow through life. Using the Winnie the pooh characters.
Maximum achievement
Brian Tracy
This will show you how to effectively manage your time and gives you the actual action steps to do so. I still use a majority of his techniques today. I also combined it with the mission control seminars on time management to make it even better then either system alon.
Conversations with God
Neal Donald Walsh
Very great books again on how you fit into the picture of life within the relationship of God and why we are here.