A really GREAT movie: The Corporation – It is a documentary about how according to the World Health Organization’s ICD Diagnosis Codes 99.9% of all corporations are legally insane. Their behavior is psychopathic. They also propose solutions of how to rectify this insanity. Very eye opening. Highly recommend renting it soon.
I am now in Minneapolis again. I will be here for a whopping 10 days until I go back to ND for Christmas.
I realized an interesting pattern in my life today. I never really “worked out” just played hard as my physical activity before college. In Under grad I played racquetball a couple times a week for almost 2 years. In Chiropractic College I lifted weights a couple times a week for years. Then I went back to no structures physical activity for a while when I first moved to Chicago. Then I got into Yoga and I did that for a while. Now I am joining a gym where I will get to do all of that at once. Looking forward to that.