I am helping you create your goals. Because simply creating them exponentially increases your chances of achieving them. Even if you do nothing else.
The Basic Outline.
- Write down what you want (we did this)
- Put time frames on all your goals (we did this)
- Reword any wants necessary so they are all stated in the positive – Stated as if Now
- Make sure you have at least 1 lifetime goal, a few 10 year goals, and some 1 year goals.
- Go back and ask yourself, “Why?” – why do you want the things you listed.
- Create action steps for each goal
- Wherever there is resistance or struggle in moving towards the goal, there are belief systems or unconscious blocks to allowing the goals to manifest in your life – remove them or change them
You wrote down everything you want.
You put time frames on your goals.
This week we are going to make sure we word everything in the positive.
Why is this so important?
I want you to imagine a picture.
Don’t think of a pink elephant.
What did you just do? You thought of a pink elephant. Your unconscious mind doesn’t understand negatives.
Like when you tell a little kid not to do something, what do they do?
They usually do it.
So if you have a negative like any of these:
You need to ask yourself, if I didn’t have that, what would I have?
Then state your goal in the positive form, the end result of what you want. Not the process of getting there.
So if you goal was not to be fat, you would change it to, Being Your Ideal weight
Not be broke = Being financially free
Not being sad = being happy
No pain = Feeling Good
Stop smoking = being a non-smoker
Stop biting my nails = having healthy nails
So go back and make sure all your goals are stated in the positive end result of what you want.
If the thing you don’t want is in the goal, then change it.
Change your goals to state the end results of what you want.
Then, when you have done this, Make sure the goals are all stated as if you have the goal now.
If you have any words like below, remove them and make the statement present tense:
Going to
Some day
By Nov 16, 2008, I am my ideal weight.
By June 9 th, I am teaching ACIM courses
In 2008 I will earn 100,000 dollars in passive income
They are all as if they have happened now, and not will happen.
It is like the famous sign.
Free Beer Tomorrow.
And you come back tomorrow, but tomorrow never came.
So if your goals are stated as a future thing, the future will never come.