I am helping you create your goals. Because simply creating them exponentially increases your chances of achieving them. Even if you do nothing else.
The Basic Outline.
- Write down what you want (we did this)
- Put time frames on all your goals (we did this)
- Reword any wants necessary so they are all stated in the positive – Stated as if Now
- Make sure you have at least 1 lifetime goal, a few 10 year goals, and some 1 year goals.
- Go back and ask yourself, “Why?” – why do you want the things you listed.
- Create action steps for each goal
- Wherever there is resistance or struggle in moving towards the goal, there are belief systems or unconscious blocks to allowing the goals to manifest in your life – remove them or change them
You wrote down everything you want.
You put time frames on your goals.
You made sure they were all worded in the positive now tense.
You created your 10 and 1 year goals
This week we are going to ask yourself why?
Why is this so important?
Most people do not create goals for what they actually want.
Most people create goals for what they think will give them what they want.
All you have to do is ask yourself why do you want that goal.
And if you keep asking why, you will get to your real goals. Your true goals. Not the things that you think will get you want you want.
And this needs to become a new goal. The thing you really want, the thing you got to the core of with the why questions, this is your true goal(s) in life.
Let me give you an example.
If you put you want to make 100,000 dollars this year.
Why, why do you want to make that.
Some possible answers might be – to go on vacations, to get a nicer house, to x, y or z.
Why do you want to go on vacation? Why do you want a nicer house?
To have fun, to enjoy yourself, to entertain friends.
Why do you want that?
Eventually you will come down to the root of what you really want. It might be after 1 question, it might be after 20 times of asking why.
When you get there, make that a goal.
If it is vacations, or enjoyment, or whatever it is for you.