Forget all your rules and Follow Your Inner Knowing
People get into problems by following their mind over their inner knowing.
People are always happier and more peaceful when they follow their inner knowing.
So I have some insights to help you follow it more.
Most people have done this. They have a decision to make and their mind comes up with a logical answer. But they have this inner knowing they should do something that doesn’t make sense to the logical mind. So they follow their mind. Then they look back and wish they had followed their inner knowing.
If you are like many others, you have done this many times.
Many People have also done this. You have a decision to make and you come to a logical conclusion of what you should do with your mind. Then you get a strong response from your inner knowing to do something different. You follow this knowing even though it doesn’t make logical sense. Then when you look back, you are so glad you did.
Most people have had a few experiences like this.
But How about this? Have you ever done this even once? You have a decision to make and you came up with a logical solution with your mind. But again you get a different direction from your inner knowing. So you follow your inner knowing. But then you look back and regret it?
I have yet to meet anyone that has done this even once.
(But you must be clear what is your inner knowing. Because it is not your feelings or emotions. It is your Inner Knowing.)
So you follow your mind over your inner knowing and regret it.
You follow your Inner knowing over your mind and you are glad you did.
And you have never ever, not even once regretted following your inner knowing.
Which one do you want to do more of?