There are 5 levels of thinking that people use to guide their choices.
- Other minds
- Your mind
- Muscle testing/pendulum etc
- Connection within
- Direct from/with mind of God
The first is letting other people’s opinions and ideas of what you “should” and “shouldn’t” do make your choices for you. This is the least satisfying because you can never please everyone.
Guild fits into this category. If you let guilt make your decisions, you are basically making them based on what you think other people will think.
The second is your own thoughts and thinking. This is better because at least you will be mostly happy in the choices you make.
The third is acceding a “higher wisdom” often viewed as outside yourself. You can do this through dousing, pendulums, muscle testing or any of the myriad of ways people do this.
This is better than just your thoughts alone, because you realize there is something bigger than your self or your ego mind.
The fourth is following your inner knowing. Whether that is through what some call the holy spirit, others call the non-conscious mind, others call your intuition, whatever it is. When you listen to that intelligence that is within all of us, you are making your life easier and more fun.
The fifth is when you begin hearing the voice of God, of your true Self, the voice of the true Mind of which you are directly. You will begin to think and be the thoughts of the Mind of God.