So I talk a lot about following your inner knowing.
And the question I probably get the most, or at least near the top, is how do I know if I am listening to my inner knowing.
The answer I always give is you feel more peaceful when you follow your inner knowing.
Well, for the longest time I thought I was following my inner knowing, or the Holy spirit to some. And then, I found out I wasn’t really following it all.
What do I mean by this.
I was asking in the context of my limited, individual, separate self/ego. What should I do, what is best for me? What is going to help me get what I want, etc, etc. and this is not really a valid question.
An example.
If you computer is broken, and it wont turn on, so you think the power button is broken. And you bring it in to replace the power button. You are asking for the power button to be fixed, not realizing the real question you might want to ask is, why isn’t it turning on? It might be because of the bios, faulty power supply, bad hard drive, or many other things.
In your life, you think you know what you want and what is wrong and what needs to be fixed. But you don’t. so when you ask for specific things, you are probably asking faulty questions and getting the best answers you can get from God with the questions you are asking.
So if you ask general questions, like what is helpful for all? What is in the best of the whole, and leave it completely open ended. Answers will come that are probably not at all what you think, but exactly what you need.
So the question to get the best and clearest answers from the Holy Spirit or your Inner Knowing (whatever you want to call it) is to ask simple, open ended questions in the context of what is best for the whole.
Because after all, we are all one with one shared purpose. God.
Ask what is helpful for all. And be open to whatever answer might come. |