Joy comes from within
Many people think it is the boating, or people, or games, or movies, or the thing that “gives” them joy from the outside that creates joy in them.
It isn’t. Happiness, joy, peace, satisfaction, etc. all those feelings come from within.
The simplest example of why is this.
Does everyone who does the same activity as you get the same amount of joy from it as you do?
Nope. Some don’t even like doing that very thing.
The reason is because you set up beliefs and thoughts in your mind about certain activities. Certain activities were linked or anchored to positive memories. And it is these beliefs and anchors that are creating the joy inside of you, from the activities on the outside.
The freedom in this is realizing you can just create those positive feelings inside yourself because you choose to. You don’t have to have elaborate rules and beliefs that are unconscious to you. You can simply choose to be happy because you say you are happy.
But in the same way you have rules, beliefs and anchors about what makes you feel good. You have similar beliefs, rules and anchors about what makes you feel bad. So you have to get rid of those beliefs, anchors and rules, otherwise it can make it more difficult to just choose to feel good.