What you don’t know can in fact kill you.
I saw for the first time today that the drug companies are just giving people what they want.
People do not want to take responsibility for their own health. They want someone to give them a magic pill and make everything all better. A magic pill to erase all their past poor choices, so they can be healthy and continue to do what made them need the magic pill in the first place.
People want to believe that sickness and disease happens from something on the outside. A virus, a bacteria, their faulty DNA. They want to blame something other than their choices. They want to blame something other than their lifestyle. They want to blame something so they do not have to be responsible for where their health is at.
I want to eat my favorite food that I know is not good for me, and still be healthy. I want to sit on the couch, do no exercise, not think, and still be healthy. I do NOT want to do whatever it is that people don’t want to do, but know they should, and still be healthy.
But when you put it like that, people often get defensive and don’t want to hear what you are saying, because they feel blamed. It is their fault. They are wrong.
So how do you put it so people who are not wanting to take responsibility for their health, see that if they want health, that is the only way to insure they will be healthy, other than just luck?
That is what I am working on. |