Last week I talked about changing your beliefs . This week is the how to of doing it.
Ways to eliminate old beliefs that are not supporting you:
- New Information
- Eliminate Limiting Decisions
- Change Your Beliefs with Aversion Therapy
- Argue against Your beliefs
- Hypnotherapy
- New Habit Conditioning
1. New Information: Every think something about someone. Then find out some new information that you either verified or believed? What happened to your belief about that person? It changed.
2. Eliminating Limiting Decisions: We often make decisions about someone or something that becomes a rule. If you have any rules in life about anything, you are made limiting decisions. If you have any things that you say something like, this is just the way that it is, you have made limiting decision.
When you eliminate these decisions, your beliefs and automatic actions automatically change.
The best way I know of to eliminate limiting decisions is to do the Limiting Decisions CD’s that I have.
3. Aversion Therapy is exactly that. You create a negative stimuli every time you think a belief or thought that does not support you. You then create a positive thought or the opposite thought and do a positive stimuli.
Do this for 30 days and watch your thoughts change.
4. Argue against your beliefs. When you find a belief that is limiting you write it down. Then have some one say to you (like it is their belief) that exact belief. Then you look at them like they are a bit strange for thinking that, then begin to prove your case that "their" belief is not valid. Do this with lots of emotion and feeling behind it.
Then when you are all done have them say in an exaggerated way something like, WOW, thank you for that insight Jamie, that is amazing, you are right.
Then you say something like sure, no problem, of course, no big deal. As if it is a fore gone conclusion that anyone would believe any other way than what you were proving.
5. Hypnotherapy – I have found some great CD’s called paraliminal CD’s. You listen to them as you go to sleep or around the house. And they work on your conscious and non-conscious mind to help change your beliefs. And they work great.
Changing Your Limiting Beliefs
You can also see someone one-on-one for sessions. The beauty of Hypnotherapy is even if you don't believe that it works, it will still work for you. : )
6. A Process for Conditioning in a New Habit:
- Become aware and conscious of your current belief/habit.
- Get leverage on yourself. What are the consequences of not changing and beliefs of not changing.
- Assume responsibility – realize you have a choice and DECIDE to change.
- Interrupt the old pattern – scratch the record.
- Install a new habit – switch from coffee to tea.
- Repeat, Reward and Reinforce the new habit/behavior.
For the last way I have found to change belies you can go to