Have you ever believed something, only to find out later it was not what you thought?
The only answer to this for everyone is Yes. Many, many times. But sometimes we like to forget when this happens, because it breaks down the illusion that every human being is trying to prove.
That we are always right.
Have you ever seen a human being try and prove themselves wrong? I haven’t. We are all trying to prove ourselves right.
So when you believe something, and then change your belief based on new information, everything was not as you thought it was.
So don’t get too attached to your beliefs. Believe what you believe, but don’t be unwilling to give up or change your beliefs when you get new information.
So when it seems like something is one way, ask yourself.
Do you want it to be this way?
Because if the answer is no, then I bet there is an alternative way to look at it so it is more of what you want.