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Dr. Jamie Fettig

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Jesus and Healing

Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2008 9:20 AM
To: Jamie Fettig
Subject: Stuff

I was reflecting on lesson 38—there’s nothing my holiness cannot do—and how it would fit into —the physician is the mind of the client and what we’ve talked about in terms of what is in alignment with their beliefs.

First, I reminded myself that the Holy Spirit always works on the level of cause/mind and not on the level of effect/this world.  So, there’s nothing my holiness cannot do on the level of the mind and that the client’s mind is also my mind as we are one—thus, no matter where they are at, according to the lesson, there are no limitation to what our holiness could do (on the level of the mind) if we ourselves are fully aligned with our holiness/God/love. And a change in someone’s thinking/cause will produce effects in this world in proportion to the change taking place?

Now, this would conflict with the belief that Jesus could only heal those who believed/was open to it (as Nick Bunick, The Messengers and others have suggested).  Also, how does it fit in with the script idea—although I guess it could fit in, because the ultimate goal (awakening) could happen which means everything else falls away.

Any thoughts on this?

Jamie Said:
I would say it like this
The physician is God, the Mind (with capital M) of the client (which is your Mind as well).

There is a difference between Possible and Probable.
Just because something is possible, doesn’t mean it will happen.

Yes, anything is possible.

It is still possible for Jesus to heal anyone and everyone, because he is the Mind of God. He could do it. The thing is, he wouldn’t for everyone.
Doesn’t mean it will happen for him to heal everyone.

What is getting in the way of the Mind from healing, is the ego, covering the Mind of God with illusions we call this reality.
God and the Mind do not attempt to argue with the ego, because the ego is an illusion. It isn’t even there.
So if the ego wants to maintain the illusion, it will.

Jesus is not going to argue or defend his frame of reference of GOD or the Mind if someone does not want that, Jesus would not force it upon them, or give it to them, or allow them to be healed, because it would mean he was not defenseless.

When speaking about the course, I feel it is always important to establish which frame of reference you are talking about.

Are you talking about the illusionary world? Or the Real World? Because they operate on two different principles most of the time.

Below you are coming from a frame of reference from both places, seemingly unaware that you are.

The course is usually coming from the True Frame of reference
And most people talk about it from the illusory frame of reference.
Which is why so many people get confused.

Most people think their view of the world is everyone’s view of the world, so most people do not talk about the context or frame of reference they are speaking from. Which is also why there is so much disagreement and conflict.

How this fits into the script is all the possible choices your ego mind could make, have already been made. So which choices you have available to make in this illusory world are already done, happened, created. Miracles shorten the “distance” down to point A and point B being the same points. Which is why Time does not exist. Because there is no line between Point A and B – just an illusion that gets created out of the Points A & B. creating the illusion of Time.

Those are my thoughts.



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