One of the most classic books on getting what you want in life is “Think and Grow Rich.” The book is so old, that the 70 year copyright has run out on the original publishing, and you can actually get the book for free
One of the biggest underlying themes in the entire book is Desire.
The only guaranteed way to get something you want is to have a burning desire for that thing.
So wanting something, needing something, wishing for something, those are all nice. They may get you want you want. But no guarantees. When you have a burning desire for something, that is when the universe will step into action and bring it to you.
Now, don’t expect to just sit on your but and have it show up on your front door step. You must take actions towards what you have the desire for.
But the first step in getting what you want – Desire. Creating a burning desire for it. The book will help you create the burning desire if you do not already have it. |