No one can hurt you or make you feel any certain way. Sometimes people will say to me, you hurt my feelings, or you made me angry. And when people say things like this I just laugh. Yes, I like to think I am the great and almighty powerful Jamie and I will now make you feel bad because I have that control. But I don’t have the control to make anyone feel any certain way.
No one has the power to make anyone else feel anyway. Only you have the power to choose how you feel.
The trick is because what you are thinking dictates how you feel. And only you have control over your thoughts.
How you feel is totally dependent on your thoughts. Which you and only you have complete control over.
So what do you do if you don't like how you feel? Change your thoughts.
That is why no one can make you feel any certain way.
Only you. Every bit of it is only you. You have the power to think what you want and therefore feel what you want.